Triss Merigold from The Witcher III in her alternative / DLC costume cosplayed by Alex aka HeritageOfTheWolf, Photo by Paul Scio


I discovered the excellence that is Witcher III just recently when I bought its GOTY version during the Steam Winter Sale and daaaamn…that game seems to be a hell of a ride. Since I want to experience the whole Trilogy now I am busy with playing the first part now from time to time though lol.


Compare the cosplay with Triss in this costume in the game


The Witcher games are mainly around Geralf of Rivia but also his beautiful female friends, lovers and enemies.

One of the more friendly characters is Triss Merigold that plays a protagonist part in all of the games. For some reasons we were not able to cover her yet with an art gallery and character overview but this will change now that we covered this excellent cosplay of her by Alex from Italy, one of the “fresh faces” in the big Game-Art-HQ Community on dA.


This costume took a lot of time since Alex went the extra mile and even crafted the jewelry for the cosplay by herself as seen in the photo below. I look forward to her next cosplay shoots in 2017!