Game-Art-HQ Updates and News in 2019
News and Updates on Game-Art-HQ in 2019:
Our newest Game-Art-HQ Community Video Game Art Collaborations: Happy Birthday, Sega Dreamcast!: Have a look at our Tribute to the awesome console!
Featured Fan-Artworks and cosplays on Game-Art-HQ in 2019: Kombat Kontinues – Art & Interview 22.06.2019 |
Horizon Zero Dawn in our VG History Project 15.10.2019 |
Limbo in our Game History Project 29.09.2019 |
Metal Gear Solid in the VG History Tribute 22.09.2019 |
17.08.2019 |
22.05.2019 |
10.05.2019 |
28.03.2019 |
27.03.2019 |
26.03.2019 |
26.03.2019 |
Baihu Genji Cosplay by Nebulaluben 26.03.2019 |
26.03.2019 |
Scorpion MKXI by Flavio Luccisano 08.01.2019 |
02.01.2019 |
New Character Galleries in the Video Game Character DB in 2019: |
Achilles *V3 05.11.2019 |
02.11.2019 |
28.10.2019 |
28.10.2019 |
24.10.2019 |
17.10.2019 |
16.10.2019 |
12.10.2019 |
10.10.2019 |
09.10.2019 |
08.10.2019 |
07.10.2019 |
07.10.2019 |
30.09.2019 |
27.09.2019 |
26.09.2019 |
25.09.2019 |
19.09.2019 |
22.08.2019 |
21.08.2019 |
20.08.2019 |
19.08.2019 |
18.08.2019 |
16.08.2019 |
15.08.2019 |
15.08.2019 |
14.08.2019 |
14.08.2019 |
13.08.2019 |
12.08.2019 |
12.08.2019 |
11.08.2019 |
11.08.2019 |
10.08.2019 |
10.08.2019 |
09.08.2019 |
08.08.2019 |
03.08.2019 |
02.08.2019 |
02.08.2019 |
01.08.2019 |
10.05.2019 |
27.03.2019 |
27.03.2019 |
14.01.2019 |
14.01.2019 |
14.01.2019 |
09.01.2019 |
07.01.2019 |
07.01.2019 |
01.01.2019 |
01.01.2019 |
Plans for 2019:
Our third Pokemon Art Collaboration is scheduled for the 1st June 2019! It features all of the 135 Generation III Pokemon with two illustrations for each of them, each Pokemon and even all the moves are described in 135 galleries DONE! ~ Our VG History Project is an open-ended art collaboration that is going to see 5-15 Updates in January-April Halfway done ~ 60 more rather old video game characters are going to get VG Character DB entries until March 2019! I am aiming for 1-2 per day. After that, all existing galleries might get some minor updates, before new characters from 2016-today will be added to our big Database project. 52 Characters done + around 10 more got the V3 Update ~ We also plan a Sega Dreamcast Anniversary Tribute with a release on the 9th September, 20 years after the last Sega console was released in the USA DONE! Older News: |