Joel from The Last Of Us makes his debut on Game-Art-HQ
The Last of Us is an impressive game and maybe the swansong for the Playstation 3 already with the PS4 getting released in 5 months already and the game getting tons of praises by gamers worldwide and high rated reviews as well. Its a game i want to buy before moving to the next generation of video game consoles as well.
Joel is one of the two main protagonists and got drawn here in six hours with MSPaint!..yeah friggin’ MS Paint ..the programme almost every artists is complaining and ranting about with every new installment of the programme
While this illustration of Joel looks really impressive for being made with MSP, i think its even more impressive that the artist behind it is just sixteen year old and can use MS Paint for drawings like that! Gillian from Canada has more interesting creations in her gallery at deviantART and i look forward to her future works. Who knows, maybe we see more from her here on Game-Art-HQ as well!