Halo-4-Cyro-Bay--Virtual-Worlds Game Art

“When I was invited to take part in the ‘Virtual Worlds We Love’ project on Game-Art-HQ.com I had quite a few game environments in my head. The main two were Halo 4’s Cryo Bay because of its really great lighting, and the Mojave Wasteland from Fallout: New Vegas due to its broken and destroyed look.

I ended up choosing the Cryo Bay from Halo 4 because I had never done interiors before and I felt like this would give me the opportunity to try something out of my comfort zone and to recreate one of my favourite environment designs on Halo.

I created this piece using my Wacom Bamboo tablet and Photoshop CS5. I began by actually going on Halo and walking around this level, this let me get a great look at the area and let me see where I would like to set the view point for the piece. Once I found a good position, I went to my laptop and sketched out a really rough composition.

I then chose a colour palette and began blocking out all of the main shapes. Once I had all of the basics down, I added a few textures here and there and then just kept adding details until I felt satisfied with how it was. The final things I did were to add the lighting, a bit of volumetric fog, and just for fun, Master Chief and Cortana in the distance :)

The Halo 4 “Cyro Bay” Illustration and description was made by Mitch “Ghillied Ninja” from the UK



Main Gallery of the Virtual Worlds Art Collaboration Project on Game-Art-HQ

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Super Mario Bros.

Multiple Stages

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Stage 3

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World 1-1

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Super Mario World


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Super Mario World 2

World 5

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Diablo II

Claw Viper Temple

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Sigma 17

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Ratchet n’ Clank 3


Shadow of the Colossus Virtual Worlds Game Art




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Lifeless Canyon

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Xenoblade Chronicles Eryth Sea Game Art

Xenoblade Chronicle

Eryth Sea

Halo-4-Cyro-Bay--Virtual-Worlds Game Art

Halo 4

Cryo Bay