“Bryan’s Fury” is the original title for this Bryan Fury fan art by Pechan who participated earlier in our Tekken 2 Art Tribute, a project which is still ongoing but delayed also to 2014, the big 20th Anniversary of the Tekken series.

Bryan Fury is a damn cool (and always angry it seems) character who once played a relative important role in the Tekken games.

His role was changed to an absolute side character with no real influcence on the main story in Tekken 5 and 6 where is is either hunting or hunted by his arch enemy Yoshimitsu.

Kudos @ Pechan for drawing Bryan here in one of his oldschool outfits from Tekken Tag Tournament I!

I have a feeling we will see a re-imagination of Tekken 1-3 instead of a real Tekken 7 on the next generation of platforms, and there is Tekken X Street Fighter coming as well.

Anyway..i hope we see Bryan Fury again!





You can see official artworks of Bryan Fury here



Bryan Fury Tekken by Pechan