The GA-HQ Final Fantasy Art Tribute - Those Who Fight Further

Kimahri Ronso the Blue Mage Dragoner from Final Fantasy

Kimahri Render

Kimahri Ronso is one of the most silent Final Fantasy characters ever and one of the main protagonists from Final Fantasy X. Kimahri’s main talent is to absorb the powers of specific enemies, also known as the traditional Blue Mage ability, he also has a few Dragoner type special moves which make him different from the other party members.

I must admit that Kimahri is one of my own favourite characters from FFX, which made it even cooler that he was claimed as one of the first ten protagonists for Final Fantasy: Those Who Fight Further!


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 Kimahri FFX HD


Kimahri Ronso from Final Fantasy , drawn for Final Fantasy – Those Who Fight Further

by DragonAriaes, Porto881 and The Curaga


What do you like about Kimahri and about FFX?
I love that Kimahri is a big strong silent character that has a lot of depth without having to talk much. He is very loving, protective and has a strong sense of personal justice.

Not to mention just a cool character design.
FFX has a wonderful storyline with a lot of replay value.

The soundtrack is amazing and all of the designs are very strong. I honestly play through it once a year.

What tools did you use for the artwork?
The lines were done by hand in pencil and then inked with a Micron pen. Colored in a combination of Gimp and Photoshop, with some painted watercolor textures scanned in and overlaid.

Please describe your take on him

I wanted to show a little more of his playful side. He is protective of Yuna, also very proud of her, so I imagine something like this happening after the end of FFX.

The Ronso talk about building a statue to Yuna and giving her a “big horn” as proof of her strength. (which shows up in FFX-2)

I think he really looks at her as being his daughter. He’s watched her grow up and save the world.


Artwork and description of it by DragonAriaes

About the Artist:

DragonAriaes is an American artist and creates all kinds of creative artworks related to video games don’t miss her Phantom Ganondorf among others in Link’s Blacklist!


Kimahri Final Fantasy Art Tribute



Why did you choose Kimahri?

I like silent/mostly silent protagonists.

What do you like about him and about FFX?

He’s a giant blue cat monster. And FFX had a very compelling story.

What tools did you use for the artwork?

I believe I drew and painted Kimahri himself in Sai and did the rest in Photoshop.

Please describe your take on him

I wanted to do something kinda Nouveau… or like a trading card. I don’t really know. I don’t really know anything at all actually.

Is there something else you want to tell the visitors of the Final Fantasy Art Tribute on Game Art HQ?

Sometimes I wish I was a whale.


Artwork and description of it by Porto881

About the artist:

Porto881 is a Hobbyist from the USA and the Final Fantasy TWFF Art Tribute is the first Game-Art-HQ Project paricipation for her but not her last one. She also participated a few weeks later in Link’s Blacklist Round III with her take on the Black Boes from Zelda Majora’s Mask!

Kimahri Final Fantasy Art Tribute 2

Why did you choose Kimahri?

I chose kimahri because he is, visually at least, one of the strongest characters in Final Fantasy X.

He leaves an impression with you, and that’s a great quality for a character to have.

Kimahri is a giant blue lion man with tribal characteristics, and that’s pretty cool. Besides the visual aspects though his silent pride and contemplative personality is really interesting to me.

What tools did you use for the artwork?

I did some hand drawn thumbnails (IMPORTANT!) then I used Adobe Illustrator with touchups in photoshop.

Please describe your take on him

I wanted to try something new with my art, so I ventured into cubism with him. I broke him down into geometric shapes that represent the shadows and lights cast by his body. I thought this was appropriate because Kimahri is stoic, strong, and harsh, a lot like cubism.

Is there something else you want to tell the visitors of the Final Fantasy Art Tribute on Game Art HQ?

If you haven’t already, go give FF8-FFX a try, there’s a lot more to Final Fantasy than 7 and the newest games. In my opinion those three games are some of the most interesting (and funnest) of the series.

Artwork and description of it by TheCuraga


About the artist:

TheCuraga is a professional American artist and the guy behind the Logo of Link’s Blacklist, which you can see basically in every corner of Game-Art-HQ for a long while, he designed quite a lot cool T-Shirt logos, which are totally worth to check out on dA!


Kimahri Final Fantasy Art Tribute 3

Bonus Image:

Smiling Kimahri FFXSmiling Kimahri.

The Final Fantasy “Those who fight further” Art Project is a tribute to the protagonists of the Final Fantasy series and an ongoing project with thirty more artworks for ten characters every 3-4 months, the next update will be released in October-November 2013!

Beside Kimahri the only FFX characters drawn so far are Lulu and Sir Auron , click on the logo below to return to the main gallery of our new project!



The GA-HQ Final Fantasy Art Tribute - Those Who Fight Further

