Quilladin Fan Art by Griffsnuff

There were not as many new Pokemon in Pokemon X and Y as in the previous Generation games, but the newbies sure are special guys for the most part!


Quilladin is the first evolution (at level 16) of the starter Pokemon Chespin and also a Grass-type Pokémon.

It is for sure not what the fans expected as a evolution for Chespin and not a few from them felt trolled 🙂

Tina (Griffsnuff) from Norway who draws a lot of great Pokemon fan art just had to draw the Quilladin since it is so cute looking and i found she did a great job doing so in her own style.

Could easily imagine a whole pokemon game covered in that shading and use of colors!

Take a good look at Tina’s gallery on deviantART here, if you like beautiful things you won’t be dissapointed.




Other recently featured Pokemon  Fan Art on Game-Art-HQ:

Tyrantrum Pokemon by mark anthony avila


Mega Charizard Fan Art by_rajewel

Mega Charizard

Venusaur_by Janna Hasan
