Kratos, the main character of the God of War games is one of the most popular game characters today and had guest appearances in multiple games like SoulCalibur and Mortal Kombat, Hot Shots Gold, Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, and LittleBigPlanet.

He was introduced as the main protagonist and revenge-seeking God of War in 2005 on the Playstation 2. Currently, 7 different God of War games were released for the PS2, PS3 PS4, and Playstation Portable.

Kratos from the God of War Games: an Overview

Charactername: Kratos   Developed /Created by Sony / Santa Monica Studio
Gameseries:  God of War   First seen on: Playstation 2
First Game:  God of War   Year first seen in: 2005
Last Game:  God of War Ragnarök (2022)   Birthplace: Greece
Role(s) and Characteristics: Main Protagonist   Weapons: Lots of deadly weapons
Additional Tags:  Anti-Hero, Searching for Revenge   Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to: Zeus (Father)   See also:  


Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations of Kratos


Mortal Kombat (2011)

Soul Calibur Broken Destiny (2009)

Kratos God of War 2 Render

God of War II (2007)


Kratos God of War Ascension Wallpaper Art

Wallpaper of Kratos from God of War Ascension (2013) 


Kratos drawn for our Video Game Character Art Collaboration

Kratos in his God of War 4 design was drawn for our big Collaboration by Scribbletati in February 2018


Kratos in other Game-Art-HQ Art Projects and Art Contests

Smiling Kratos by Gewelt Kratos Mk9 Kratos Mk9 Alt

Gewelt won our first art contest with his “Friendly Kratos” back in January 2012

Kratos is also a part of our Mortal Kombat tribute since he is a guest character in the Playstation 3 and PSP version of Mortal Kombat 9.


Selected Fan Art and Cosplay Photos of Kratos

Kratos Ghost of Sparty by Huzzain

Kratos Ghost of Sparta

by Saqib Hussain

Kratos God of War 3 Portrait by Huzzain

Kratos GoW 3 Portrait

by Saqib Hussain

Kratos Portrait

Kratos Portrait

by Thestickibear

Kratos God of War Sexy Genderbender Cosplay Art

Kratos Genderbender Cosplay

by Kelume and Hidrico

Kratos God of War 2 by DoubleLeaf

Kratos in God of War II

by DoubleLeaf

Kratos by Patrick Brown

Kratos Portrait

by Patrick Brown

Kratos the God of War Sheridan Johns

Kratos Realistic

by Sheridan Johns

Kratos is Angry by Mario A. Romero

Angry Kratos

byMario A. Romero

Kratos GoW Art by Yiannis Roumboulias

Kratos GoW

by Yiannis Roumboulias

Kratos and the Fists of Fury

Kratos & The Fists of Fury

by L-Ritchie

Kratos vs. Medusa

Kratos vs. Medusa

by Phrenan

Kratos Chibi Style

Kratos Chibi Style

by Dyl’ Crook

Kratos vs Zeus God of War Art by_kergran

Kratos Vs. Zeus Gallery

Updates in the Video Game Character Database entry and game art gallery of Kratos

03.10.2018 – Some layout updates + added the Kratos GoW 4 Art by Scribbletati for our VG Character Collab.