Fallout 3 is a post-apocalpse 3D Action Adventure developed by the Bethesda Game Studios. It was released in October 2008 for the PC, Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 platforms.

The game plays after Fallout 2 which was released many years before and changed many gameplay aspects, but got a high praise in general and a ton of DLC Content as well.

So far, Fallout 3 was not yet featured in one of our Art Collaborations.



 Fallout 3 in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects

Fallout 3 is not yet a part of a Game-Art-HQ Community Art Collaboration

Selected Fan Art and Cosplay Photos of Fallout 3

Fallout 3 Fan Art by Patrick Brown

Fallout 3

By Patrick Brown

Fallout 3 by Patrick Brown

Fallout 3

By Patrick Brown