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 This is a Sega Dreamcast tribute fan art by 2dForever. It was created for a online magazine which doesnt exsist anymore though.

Creators own words:

Being a big fan of all Dreamcast and Sega, I loved every second of it.
Seeing the final picture I wish I did a few things differently such as the sizes of the background characters (Ryu is way too small) but happy with the outcome.”


The Characters on this fan art are Beat, Ryu, Shadow, Taki, Falcon, Cat (Chu Chu Rocket) , Ulala, Ash (PSO), Ryo Hazuki, Mice (Chu Chu Rocket) , NightmareSonic Zombie (HotD), Gum, Rocket (Chu Chu Rocket)

This fan art by 2DForever / Tom Waterhouse was published the first time on October 22, 2006