As a part of the Street Fighter Tribute on game Art HQ, 8 artists from around the world draw 8 Street Fighter characters in a slightly different way …well..see for yourself how Akuma, Guile, Yun, Ryu & Ken, Fei Long, Makoto, Alex and Blanka look …


 Note: This part of the SF tribute is a total work in progress.




“What could be more Badass than Akuma? A Female Akuma.

by Sopeh

Hi my name is Sopek and this my contribution to the Street Fighter Tribute Project. I selected the gender swap. I wasn’t sure how to approach it at first. To tell you the truth I was going to make a “SEXY, beautiful, athletic/model” type. But then I thought to myself, that makes no sense because what is it that makes Akuma who he is? He’s “Badass and Dark”. And so those are the words that I kept in mind when producing this piece.